Sun Parasol® Giant Mandevillas are superior disease resistance and the ability to produce even more large flowers. They have a vigorous growing habit, coarse foliage and are natural climbers suitable for patios, balconies and for landscaping in sunny areas. They are the classic mandevilla.
These plants produce large flowers that span 3 to 5 inches. Natural climbers, these beauties are stunning trained to a trellis. This plant loves warmth and plenty of sun light.
Habit: Upright & vigorous in habit. Moderate in branching and are natural climbers.
Application: Sun Parasol® Giant are ideal for patio pots, balconies & landscape.
Care: This plant loves warmth and plenty of sunlight and is an easy grower in these conditions. The potting soil needs to be free draining with soil conditioner added. Be sure to pay attention to the watering, do not over water it is best to keep it on the dry side, until spring, then increase the watering to encourage growth.
Pot size: 5-12 inches
Landscape size: 10-15 feet
Time of flowering: Summer
Growing habit: Upright
Branching: Moderate
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Vigor: Vigorous
Classification: Vines
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